How old are you?
Are you:
What school do you go to?
Maximum 255 characters
How do you usually travel to and from school? (you can tick more than one if you travel to school in different ways)
How safe do you usually feel going to and from school?
Always unsafe
Usually unsafe
Neither safe or unsafe
Usually safe
Always safe
How safe do you feel in your local community? (this includes local streets where you live, local shops, parks etc.)
Very unsafe
Very safe
Are there any areas you go where you feel unsafe or threatened? (this could be a park, street, part of town)
Do any of the following make you feel unsafe? (tick all that do)
Do you ever feel that you are under pressure to do negative things your friends do?
Do you use social media? (TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram etc.)
Have you ever chatted to people online who you don’t know?
If one thing could be changed to make you feel safer, what would it be?