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Draft Banner for consultation

Consultation survey

0% answered


Thank you for taking the time to complete this staff survey relating to the relocation of Horsham Station and Development & Operational Training Team (DOT) to the New Horsham Fire Station and Training Centre, Platinum House.

This is a further opportunity for you to have your say. We are really excited about our new state of the art facility and want to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved. It is really important to us that we hear from you all to give us a chance to make any amendments required.  This is why we have offered different forums for you to ask questions and make suggestions, including group meetings, personal meetings, a dedicated email address and now this survey. 

Reminder: If you have any individual circumstances that you would like to discuss please contact your local Station Manager/Head of Service, one of the Area/Group Managers in the 'who's listening' section of this page or the dedicated email address 

We will accept survey responses up until midday on 7th December when the consultation closes. 

Privacy/Data Protection Notice

West Sussex Fire and Rescue will use this survey to collect some personal data (e.g., age, sex) to fulfil a statutory obligation as part of this consultation.

The data we collect will be processed in accordance with the 2018 Data Protection Act, the General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent relevant data and will only be used for the purpose stated.

The data we collect will be held securely on computer for a period of up to 6 months before being appropriately destroyed. West Sussex County Council is registered as Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). For further details and information about our Data Controller, please visit our website.


Please select your Contract Type with WSFRS.


Please select your current team within WSFRS.

* required

Do you understand the Proposals for New Horsham Station and Training Centre?

* required

Have you had the opportunity to engage with the consultation process through any of the following:  Please select all that apply.


Based on the information available through consultation, do you have any concerns moving to the new site at Highwood Mills?