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EPS Core Offer 24-25

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Educational Psychology Service offer to School 2024-25

Telephone Consultation

All schools and parent can access telephone consultation regarding individual children via our self-booking process.

For schools

The Educational Psychology service offers the opportunity for schools to book a 30-minute telephone consultation slot with an Educational Psychologist.  The focus of a telephone consultation can be at a whole school, class or individual level (with parental permission).  

 For each booking that has been made, the EP will use the phone number provided to contact the school at the time booked.   Please note that bookings for telephone consultations close 3 working days before the event and schools can only book two consecutive slots. 

It is in the consultee's interest to prepare for the consultation session. Being clear about what they want from it and gathering information and evidence may be helpful to them during the discussion.  The Consultation Planning and Action will help the consultee prepare for the consultation.

Booking and forms can be found on West Sussex Services for Schools

For parents/ carers

Calls can be requested where there is a question or concern about learning or behaviour as well as worries about wellbeing and emotions.  More information about when an EP consultation would be appropriate and when another service would provide a better outcome can be found on The West Sussex Local Offer.

We are continually reviewing our offer to ensure it is effective and provides the support needed. As last year, we will continue to offer schools the choice to join a SENDCo practice circle or have an EP school consultation meeting.  We invite schools to reflect on their school’s individual need and choose which one of the offers below best suit their needs.

Offer one: Educational Psychologist and School Consultation Meetings. 

 These meetings are held between the Autumn and Spring half terms. Schools are able to discuss individual pupils, with parental permission. Approximately 30 minutes per pupil consultation or whole school issue provides appropriate time for a focussed discussion. Therefore, four pupils or whole school issues could be put on the agenda for this planning meeting.

 Special Schools will receive termly consultation meetings. Secondary Schools and Schools with SSCs can be offered a second meeting later in the academic year. 

Consultation is a supportive approach which involves the following:

•        Joint investigation and exploration 

•        Developing a shared understanding of the situation

•        Exploration of solutions

•        Developing agreed actions to improve outcomes for the child or young person within an assess plan do review framework.

 It is in the consultee's interest to prepare for the consultation session. Being clear about what they want from it and gathering information and evidence may be helpful to them during the discussion.  The Consultation Planning and Action will help the consultee prepare for the consultation.

 There is no formal recording of these discussions by the EPS although a form is used to record the main points of discussion only and a copy is sent to the school. Schools are asked to make a written summary of the consultation with any actions agreed. The Consultation recording form may be used for this.

Schools will need to complete a parental consent form for any individual pupil discussed. Information and forms can be found on West Sussex Services for Schools.

Or Offer two: SENDCo Practice Circle. 

A reflective space to think, create and innovate

What is it?

A half termly (6x per year) opportunity to meet with an EP and other SENDCos from similar schools (Primary, secondary, SSC & Special) where possible within a geographical area. A two-hour session initially hosted on Microsoft Teams and facilitated by an educational psychologist (EP).  Each session will follow a familiar structure.  At the first session confidentiality and ground rules with be discussed and agreed and whether moving to a face-to-face meeting is a preferred option for attendees.

 What will you gain from this?

  • Help problem solve

The SENDCOs Practice Circle will provide a space for school staff member to receive support from their peers and a psychological perspective from the EP to analyse tricky or complex situations. There will also be opportunity to work through real cases using a group problem solving process to share ideas and find ways forward for complex cases.

  • Reflect on and review your practice in schools

The group will provide a space for SENDCos to share good practice and to explore how to change your own or school practice.

  • Share resources and information

There will be an opportunity for schools to share latest resources, receive information about the Local Authority offer and training across the authority.

  • Support wellbeing

The process will provide SENDCos with a reflective space and gain emotional support for the challenges they are experiencing. The benefits can include increased resilience with managing the demands of the role, whilst gaining ongoing professional development opportunities

What the EPS will provide:

  • Information about the SENDCo Practice Circles and key principles
  • Facilitate sessions
  • Record attendance
  • Negotiate group working agreement
  • Provide psychological perspective 
  • Encourage shared problem solving within the group
  • Disseminate information regarding services, training and support

What we require from schools:

  • A commitment to enable the SENDCo to attend all the circle meetings, and if necessary provide cover so that they can attend
  • There will be no cost to the schools
  • Consideration of whether they could host a face to face meeting every half term.

What we require from individuals attending:

  • A commitment to attend all 6 groups, we would expect advance notice if attendance is not possible.
  • A commitment to prepare for the SENDCO Practice Circle using a format provided.
  • To keep all information confidential to the group and participate in the creation of the groups ground rules and adherence to these
  • Gain consent if they wish to discuss a child or young person
  • A commitment to follow up on any potential actions generated within the session.
  • A commitment to engage in an evaluation of the sessions and their impact on improving practice and supporting outcomes for children and young people

Are you a school in Shoreham, Lancing or East Grinstead?

* required