Early Help New Starter Survey

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Project aims and objectives

  • This survey will be an ongoing evaluation on the WSCC Your Voice site to be completed by all our new starters in Early Help.
  • We aim to ensure that the survey once agreed, remains the standard evaluation of our recruitment/onboarding/induction processes for the service – from the point that new staff applied for their role up until their first 6 weeks in that role.
  • It will provide us with quantitative and qualitative data, enabling us to understand the recruitment, onboarding and induction journey of our new staff and ensure that we can make improvements where needed in order provide the best possible experience for new colleagues.
  • The Partnership Support Officer for each hub will send out the hyperlink to the evaluation to each of their new starters on week 6. We would expect that TMs follow this up at supervision to ensure that we get as many completing it as possible.
  • We will use the survey retrospectively with all new starters since January 2022.
  • We did receive input and guidance from Helen Butcher from the Consultation and Engagement team in constructing this survey.

Accessibility statement

If you need this information in an alternative format, please contact us on 0330 222 5732 or via email at laura.pettrichards@westsussex.gov.uk

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 03302227551.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Please note, you can use the Google Translate function to access this project in a range of different languages. The Google Translate widget can be found at the top left-hand side of the project page, where it sits just above the black West Sussex County Council ribbon.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Project aims and objectives

  • This survey will be an ongoing evaluation on the WSCC Your Voice site to be completed by all our new starters in Early Help.
  • We aim to ensure that the survey once agreed, remains the standard evaluation of our recruitment/onboarding/induction processes for the service – from the point that new staff applied for their role up until their first 6 weeks in that role.
  • It will provide us with quantitative and qualitative data, enabling us to understand the recruitment, onboarding and induction journey of our new staff and ensure that we can make improvements where needed in order provide the best possible experience for new colleagues.
  • The Partnership Support Officer for each hub will send out the hyperlink to the evaluation to each of their new starters on week 6. We would expect that TMs follow this up at supervision to ensure that we get as many completing it as possible.
  • We will use the survey retrospectively with all new starters since January 2022.
  • We did receive input and guidance from Helen Butcher from the Consultation and Engagement team in constructing this survey.

Accessibility statement

If you need this information in an alternative format, please contact us on 0330 222 5732 or via email at laura.pettrichards@westsussex.gov.uk

If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 03302227551.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Please note, you can use the Google Translate function to access this project in a range of different languages. The Google Translate widget can be found at the top left-hand side of the project page, where it sits just above the black West Sussex County Council ribbon.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

  • Take Survey
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Page last updated: 21 May 2024, 04:22 PM