Who is responsible for the scheme?

    The scheme is being jointly delivered by Miller Homes and Vistry Southern. They have engaged Mildren Construction as their contractor for the works. Mildren Construction are a regional civil engineering contractor based in Christchurch, Dorset who operate across the south of England.

    Why are West Sussex County Council (WSCC) spending money converting the existing roundabout and not spending the money on road repairs?

    WSCC are not funding these works. All costs associated with the design and construction of the Dutch style roundabout are fully funded by Miller Homes and Vistry Southern who are developers of the West of Chichester residential development.

    How much is the scheme costing?

    The scheme is not funded by WSCC so some of the information is commercially sensitive. The construction cost for the roundabout is approximately £950,000.

    Why are the works being undertaken at this time?

    The timing of the works is driven by the developers who have obligations in their planning permission to deliver off-site infrastructure improvements to support their development.

    When will the works start?

    Work will commence on 3 June 2024 and will take approximately 8 months to complete.

    Why are the works taking so long?

    The contractor will be working under live traffic flow on the existing highway, and it is challenging to keep all arms of the roundabout open while undertaking the works. This minimises the amount of working space available to the contractor at any one time. The works need to be under close archaeological supervision, so the programme allows for archaeological inspections.

    What hours will the contractors be working?

    07:30 to 16:30 Monday to Friday with a 10:00 to 10:30 tea break and 13:00 to13:30 lunch break.

    Will there be any night works?

    The final part of the works including the road surfacing and lining will be undertaken at night with road closures from 21:00 to 06:00.

    Why not carry out the works during the night only?

    Roadworks at night is more difficult to do in the city because of the location of the work close to residential areas. The noise as well as the lighting required for night work are very disruptive to neighbouring residents. Quality, especially with asphalt paving and concrete placement, is an issue. No matter how much lighting is provided, there can be inconsistencies in the newly paved surfaces due to the shadows.

    Who is the designer for the scheme and what audits have been undertaken?

    The scheme designer is Jubb. The scheme has been subject to a stage 1 and stage 2 road safety audit. On completion of the works a stage 3 road safety audit will be undertaken.

    How do I get more information?

    There is a dedicated website which has been set up by the developer and their contractor www.WoCS278.co.uk

    Will information on how to use Dutch- style roundabout be available?

    This type of roundabout differs in that drivers are required to give way to pedestrians and cyclist when entering and exiting the roundabout. Promotional information is being produced by Jubb and will be available in advance of the new junction coming into operation.