September Update

Works on the Westgate roundabout scheme is progressing nicely, the roundabout itself is near enough finished, other than addition of a little bit of concrete and tidying up. The developers have now moved onto the next phase which includes the installation of a new shared pedestrian / cycle Zebra crossing on Avenue De Chartres – opposite the entrance to the Chichester college. The works for this include:

  • Creating a new shared cycle / pedestrian footpath by widening the current footpath for a short stretch.
  • Installation of new electrical connections for 4 new Belisha beacons (An amber light globe atop a tall black and white striped pole, marking pedestrian crossings)
  • Relocating the live parking traffic sign 15 yards north of its current location.
  • Installing new warning paving.
  • Resurfacing the footpath.
  • Installation of new surface water drainage, including a new manhole.

The splitter islands have been removed and will be relocated as part of the scheme. By doing this early, wider running lane will allow traffic and this will enable to move the traffic management to suit the works being carried on the outside arms of the roundabout. We appreciate that having to temporarily close pedestrian crossing points is an inconvenience, please bear with us, these works are essential to the scheme.

SAFETY ALERT - Please follow the diversion and do not attempt to walk in the carriageway around the barriers. It is a great risk for people who choose to walk in the road because of the narrow lane and the traffic. This could force the vehicle users to drive into our barriers which endangers the workforce. Thank you for your patience.

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