November Update
Over the past few weeks, significant adjustments have been done on the site, and things have advanced rather well. Zone C (West walls and Orchard Street) is now complete, with the exception of some new street lighting and final surface.
The work in Zone E (Westgate and Avenue De Chartres) is likewise going well. The new pedestrian and cycleway plan will start to take shape over the course of the next week, with about 90% of the drainage work now finished.
The contractors are more than halfway through the Zone works. The works will stop during the Christmas period from 20th December to 1st January. Following Christmas, Avenue De Chartres' north and southbound carriageways will require some footpath and centre reservation works to be finished. This will involve some brief footpath closures and pedestrian diversion.
Additionally, weeks following Christmas, the contractors are approaching last phase of construction which will include:
- 3 new splitter islands on the roundabout.
- Some final drainage .
- Electrical connection.
- Surfacing and road markings.
Unfortunately, these refurbishments will take place at night for approximately 5 weeks because the A286 is such a busy road. The details are still being finalised, but there will be advance notice provided by the contractors before these work starts.