Have your say on the draft Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support Strategy for Sussex
We want to know what you think of the draft domestic abuse accommodation and support strategy for Sussex. Have we got the priorities right? Is there anything we have missed?
How to take part
You can complete the online survey below or send us your feedback via email. This consultation closes on 19 December 2021.
Why your views matter
The domestic Abuse Act 2021 requires local authorities to publish a strategy setting out how they will protect and assist survivors of domestic abuse in safe accommodation. In Sussex we have developed a draft strategy that covers East and West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.
Over 70 stakeholders, professionals, service providers and survivors took part in engagement meetings to inform a needs assessment. This helped us to understand current provision, and identify gaps and opportunities for improving the offer.
In response to the findings of the needs assessment we have identified six strategic priorities. They are:
- Consistent and Collaborative: Promoting multi-agency and partnership commissioning and working to ensure a consistent offer across Sussex
- Diverse and Appropriate: Providing a wide range of appropriate safe accommodation and support options
- Responsive: Establishing specialist provision to support victims/survivors with Multiple Complex Needs
- Victim-centred: Empowering victims/survivors through expanding choices and enabling victims/survivors to remain in their own homes
- Trauma-informed: Embedding trauma-informed practice in services and processes through training and specialist knowledge.
Each priority is supported by a number of recommendations. You can find more details in the draft strategy. We believe the proposed strategy will make a real difference to he lives of survivors and their children, and we welcome our views on it. What you tell us will help us ensure we get it right and make the most of the additional funding that is being provided.
The consultation runs for eight weeks. We will update the draft strategy based on people’s comments ready for the final version to be published in January 2022.
We will then have a duty to delivery on the commitments we have made and report our profess to the Secretary of State each year.
The Domestic Abuse Partnership Board will oversee the delivery of our annual Action Plans. The Strategy itself will be reviewed and refreshed every three years in response to the changing needs of victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse.
What happens next?
The final draft of the document will be reviewed and approved by the domestic Abuse Partnership and the Department management Team for Adult Social Care and Health in January 2022.
Privacy information
This survey is anonymous, and we don’t ask you to provide any personal information. Please ensure that any comments you make don’t include any names of personal details of you or anyone else. You can find more information about data privacy by viewing the West Sussex County Council Privacy (opens in new window)Policy and the East Sussex County Council Consultation Hub Privacy Policy (opens in new window).
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