Closure of The Grange and office move to Northleigh building
In October 2023 an office move took place at West Sussex County Council's Chichester campus when The Grange building was closed and council staff based there moved into the adjacent Northleigh office (some staff also moved into County Hall).
We would like to gather feedback from any staff affected by the office move (whether you moved offices or not) to help us understand your experience and inform the planning of any similar projects in the future.
You will be asked questions about your experiences before, during and after the office move.
Please note: the survey is anonymous.
The survey will be open for three weeks and will close at midnight on Tuesday 19 March 2024. .
The survey takes just a few minutes to complete, and your views are very important to us.
Once the survey is closed the results will be shared with the Smarter Working Board.
If you have any questions or comments please email smarterworking@westsussex.gov.uk