Scheme Details

    What will the scheme deliver?

    The scheme will redesign and upgrade the public realm along North and East Street in Chichester. This includes resurfacing, introducing trees and planting and upgrading seating and litter bins. The scheme will install fibre ducting and improve wayfinding.

    Who is delivering the scheme?

    These works are being delivered by WSCC, in partnership with Chichester District Council and Chichester City Council as part of the wider Chichester Growth Programme. WSP are also providing project management support.

    How is the scheme being funded?

    In September 2024, WSCC published a Key Decision (opens in a new tab)  committing £0.542 million to the prelim and detailed design stage of this project. The construction phase will include funding contributions from other partners.

    What stage is the project at?

    The project is in early design stages. We are requesting public feedback on the design concepts. Following the engagement period, the project will progress into detailed design.

    How do these proposed plans fit in with wider plans for the city?

    This project sits within the Chichester Growth Programme (opens in a new tab) which is the delivery body for the Chichester Growth Deal. The Chichester Growth Deal was signed by West Sussex County Council and Chichester District Council in 2018, identifying development and growth opportunities. The priorities are delivered through a cohesive and holistic partnership to maximise economic growth outcomes and achieve broader strategic outcomes for the locality.

    The scheme is part of a wider set of regeneration projects in Chichester with the aim of supporting the Council’s priority of a ‘sustainable and prosperous econoWest Sussex County Council logomy’.

    Will there be any alterations to parking spaces?

    The scheme starts at the junction of St Peters on North Street and ends at the junction of Little London on East Street. Therefore, there will be minimal changes affecting motorised traffic. However, there may be a requirement to relocate some disabled parking bays a short distance. Accessibility groups will be engaged during the design process to minimise impact of the proposed changes.

    Do the proposals plan to improve digital connectivity?

    The schemes design will include fibre ducting as part of these works. Improving digital connectivity within Chichester City Centre is a priority to support businesses and residents.

    What benefits will this project bring?

    This project will bring multiple benefits from the safety and functionality of the pavements to increased footfall and economic growth. Most notably, benefits include:

    • Increased footfall and dwell time leading to economic growth
    • Increased productivity from fibre installation
    • Decreased WSCC maintenance expenditure
    • Decreased number of trips and slips
    • Lower levels of reported anti-social behaviour
    • Increased pride of place.

    It must be noted that during the construction works there will be some disruption. However, disruption will be kept to a minimum where possible and the programme of works will be communicated through this webpage.

Public Engagement

    When was the public engagement period?

    The public was invited to comment on plans over a four-week period. The public consultation commenced on 4th November and will concluded on 29th November 2024.

    How did the public engagement work?

    All the project information was available on this webpage. We invited the public to look through the information and complete the survey online.

    We also attended the following events to meet the public:

    • 13th November – outside the Chichester City Council offices on North Street   
    • 6th and 20th November – at our market stall in Chichester traders' market 
    • 15th November – at our market stall in Chichester Farmers market.

    For those unable to attend, Chichester Library, the Chichester District Council offices, the West Sussex County Council reception and at the Chichester City Council offices all held surveys for the public to complete and submit everyday throughout the four weeks.

    How will the public engagement feedback be used?

    All feedback will be analysed and reviewed alongside the design team. The public engagement feedback will be used by the design team to influence the detailed design stage.