Tell us about your library memories

In 2025 West Sussex Library Service is 100 years old!
To celebrate, we’re planning a year filled with events and activities. As part of the celebrations, we’re asking you to share your special library memories.
Share your library experience
Do you remember getting your first library card, finding a favourite spot in the library, or making new friends at a library activity?
We want to hear your stories and what your library means to you.
You can share written, visual or video memories; if you're sharing images, please make sure you have the consent of everyone who is included.
You can share as many memories as you like - to submit pictures or videos, select the picture icon or video camera icon that appear when you click in the box.
Don't forget, once they are approved by our admin team, any stories you share will be publicly visible and may be used in internal or external newsletters, displayed in our libraries and shared on our social media accounts.