Space to learn and grow.

Library tickets. These little cardboard pockets that you were given upon registering with a library. The date stamp. The page with all the punched ink dates on it for when you had to return the book. The library was important to me due to it was quiet space. I could go and browse the books for hours on end. It was important to me because is where I picked up my first book on how to do word processing. Computers had just started to become familar and it was transitioning from typewriter to word processor. Being able to self study and read up on what was involved was important to understanding and to grow in learning. Then it would be how many books do I take out? You were allowed 6 books. The library became a safe space when I was in my 20's. Looking up reference books in order to solve problems. Finding out the right information from the reference section. Getting the right book for what I wanted to read about and find things out. Then came self study about web pages. The library in my local town was a great place to go with it's many floors and different sections, different shared spaces, privacy within the shelved books. Spaces to sit and read. The high ceilings, tables and chairs, rows upon rows of book shelves, the spiral staircases, the beautiful domes ceilings and circle arranged shelving. the different smells, noises. childrens laughter, chatter, echos of squeeky trolley wheels. Libraries an important safe space.

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