Special Guardians survey
Mentoring Questionnaire
for carers MAY 2023
The plan is to pilot this scheme autumn 2023 to provide support to carers, including Special Guardians, Foster Carers, Connected Person Foster Carers, Supported Lodgings Carers who would like a mentor.
As a priority this would be part of our offer for all carers new to WSCC for their first 2 years. You would be paired up with an experienced carer from your part of the service e.g. Special Guardian with Special Guardian etc
‘The current programme being set up to formalise mentoring by carers for carers evolved from discussions with foster carers through the Fostering Practice Forum and the Training Work package set-up as part of the Fostering and Kinship Service Transformation. Many foster carers felt that they would have benefitted from having a mentor when they were new to fostering and feel strongly that it would be beneficial to new general foster carers, Connected Person Foster Carers and Special Guardians, or those carers requesting additional support. All carers joining the scheme as a mentor would be fully supported through training and supervision sessions. It is hoped that the mentoring programme will provide additional support to that given by Supervising Social Workers, by offering a listening ear, sharing therapeutic practices and signposting carers to support and available resources.’
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