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Literacy Offer

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English Skills Collection

Our English Skills collection is aimed at beginner and emerging adult readers and includes Graded Readers, Quick Reads and Dyslexia Friendly titles. All titles in the collection will have an ‘ES’ label and the item category of either English Skills Fiction or English Skills Non-fiction. These items are free to reserve and do not incur overdue charges.

  • Graded Readers

These are books aimed at varying levels of reading ability and include well-known stories, non-fiction titles and biographies. The carefully graded English helps learners improve their reading skills and find confidence and enjoyment in reading, at any level.

We stock Graded Reader titles in tier 1-4 libraries and Ford Prison, from the following series:

Macmillan Readers

Oxford Bookworms

Pearson English Readers

Penguin Readers

Some Gatehouse publications are also purchased. All graded readers will additionally have the spine label 428.

Two books

ACTIVITY: Explore the selection of Graded Readers on the library website. ( > Our Services > Learning > Support with Reading, Writing, Spelling and Grammar)

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