SLS Book Purchase Scheme Order Form

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West Picture Book Award logo

All schools currently subscribed to West Sussex Schools Library Service have exclusive access to our Book Purchase Scheme which entitles users to 25% off the cover price of every book purchased. The Book Purchase Scheme is provided through Askews & Holts Book Suppliers Ltd. For a small cost per book, we can also arrange for additional servicing e.g., book jackets and AR labels to be applied, where appropriate. Further details about the Book Purchase Scheme and servicing costs can be found on our website:

West Sussex Schools Library Service Book Purchase Scheme | West Sussex Services for Schools

If you would like to order additional copies of any of the shortlisted or longlisted titles in this year's West Sussex Picture Books to Shout About! Award, please complete the form below to register your interest. A member of the Schools Library Service team will then be in touch to discuss your order in more detail. We will not commit an order until we have received written confirmation (via email) that the school wishes to proceed with the purchase.

Please note, that purchase of all books on this year's longlist are subject to availability.

Please scroll down to complete the order form.

Alternate formats and accessibility

If you have any queries about this survey or would like to request the information in a different format, please email us at or telephone 01903 704828.

If you are deaf or have difficulty hearing you can contact us via NGT Text Relay on 18001 01903 704828, providing you have this app downloaded onto your PC, laptop or smartphone.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

All schools currently subscribed to West Sussex Schools Library Service have exclusive access to our Book Purchase Scheme which entitles users to 25% off the cover price of every book purchased. The Book Purchase Scheme is provided through Askews & Holts Book Suppliers Ltd. For a small cost per book, we can also arrange for additional servicing e.g., book jackets and AR labels to be applied, where appropriate. Further details about the Book Purchase Scheme and servicing costs can be found on our website:

West Sussex Schools Library Service Book Purchase Scheme | West Sussex Services for Schools

If you would like to order additional copies of any of the shortlisted or longlisted titles in this year's West Sussex Picture Books to Shout About! Award, please complete the form below to register your interest. A member of the Schools Library Service team will then be in touch to discuss your order in more detail. We will not commit an order until we have received written confirmation (via email) that the school wishes to proceed with the purchase.

Please note, that purchase of all books on this year's longlist are subject to availability.

Please scroll down to complete the order form.

Alternate formats and accessibility

If you have any queries about this survey or would like to request the information in a different format, please email us at or telephone 01903 704828.

If you are deaf or have difficulty hearing you can contact us via NGT Text Relay on 18001 01903 704828, providing you have this app downloaded onto your PC, laptop or smartphone.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Page last updated: 12 Nov 2024, 02:10 PM