Annual Admissions Consultation 2026/2027

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Group of children with a teacher and book

Summary of proposals

West Sussex County Council propose to reduce the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) at the following Community and Controlled schools with effect from 1 September 2026

West Park CE Primary School, Goring by Sea, Worthing

Trafalgar Community Infant School, Horsham

In addition, we would welcome your views on our proposed admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria for all Community and Controlled schools for September 2026 entry, as well as key dates in the admissions process.


West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has a statutory duty to provide sufficient school places for all children but also take action to reduce places where there are too many. The above schools have considered projected pupil numbers and have approached the Local Authority with regards to reducing their PAN(s). Indications from demographic data suggest that there will be a surplus of places across the areas that these schools currently serve.

Need for change

Reducing the number of surplus places will help all schools come closer to achieving full classes and therefore reduce their financial risks, ensuring that they have the resources they require to meet the needs of their children.

The proposal

Reduce West Park CE Primary School from a PAN of 120 to a PAN of 90

Reduce Trafalgar Community Infant School from a PAN of 90 to a PAN of 60

Determination of Arrangements

The formal consultation will take place over a six week period (25 November 2024 - 10 January 2025). At the end of this period, and following analysis of the comments received, the outcome will be determined by Claire Hayes, Assistant Director of Education and Skills, Children, Young People and Learning.


If you would like to comment or make a representation in response to this consultation then please email the School Consultation team at

Consultation outcome update on 13 February 2025

This consultation closed on 10 January 2025 and 107 people participated in the survey. Following analysis of the responses received, the County Council supports the following schools request to reduce their Published Admission Number with effect from 1 September 2026.

• West Park CE Primary School, reduction of 30 places per year from 120 to 90

• Trafalgar Community Infant School, reduction of 30 places per year from 90 to 60

Accessibility Statement

If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 0330 222 3048 or via email at and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 222 3048.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Summary of proposals

West Sussex County Council propose to reduce the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) at the following Community and Controlled schools with effect from 1 September 2026

West Park CE Primary School, Goring by Sea, Worthing

Trafalgar Community Infant School, Horsham

In addition, we would welcome your views on our proposed admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria for all Community and Controlled schools for September 2026 entry, as well as key dates in the admissions process.


West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has a statutory duty to provide sufficient school places for all children but also take action to reduce places where there are too many. The above schools have considered projected pupil numbers and have approached the Local Authority with regards to reducing their PAN(s). Indications from demographic data suggest that there will be a surplus of places across the areas that these schools currently serve.

Need for change

Reducing the number of surplus places will help all schools come closer to achieving full classes and therefore reduce their financial risks, ensuring that they have the resources they require to meet the needs of their children.

The proposal

Reduce West Park CE Primary School from a PAN of 120 to a PAN of 90

Reduce Trafalgar Community Infant School from a PAN of 90 to a PAN of 60

Determination of Arrangements

The formal consultation will take place over a six week period (25 November 2024 - 10 January 2025). At the end of this period, and following analysis of the comments received, the outcome will be determined by Claire Hayes, Assistant Director of Education and Skills, Children, Young People and Learning.


If you would like to comment or make a representation in response to this consultation then please email the School Consultation team at

Consultation outcome update on 13 February 2025

This consultation closed on 10 January 2025 and 107 people participated in the survey. Following analysis of the responses received, the County Council supports the following schools request to reduce their Published Admission Number with effect from 1 September 2026.

• West Park CE Primary School, reduction of 30 places per year from 120 to 90

• Trafalgar Community Infant School, reduction of 30 places per year from 90 to 60

Accessibility Statement

If you require any of the information for this project in an alternative format, please contact us on 0330 222 3048 or via email at and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 0330 222 3048.

For more information about the accessibility of this website, please see our Accessibility tab (opens in new window) at the foot of the page.

Survey web browser compatibility

Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:

· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above

· Chrome version 86 and above

· Firefox version 78 and above

· Safari version 14 and above

Page last updated: 13 Feb 2025, 02:28 PM