A2011 Crawley Avenue - Hazelwick and Tushmore Junction Improvements
Proposed transport network improvements
We are working to improve the transport network across West Sussex. By making it safer, easier and more convenient to walk, cycle and use public transport, we can help to create more pleasant places in which to live, work and do business.
The West Sussex Transport Plan 2022-2036 (opens in new window) sets out how the County Council intends to address a number of challenges, including climate change, congestion, public health and road safety through improvements to the transport network.
Upgrading the Hazelwick and Tushmore junctions along the A2011 Crawley Avenue is identified within this plan as a priority for investment. Improvements are now being developed as part of our Strategic Transport Investment Programme (STIP).
Engagement and consultation
We are now raising awareness on the types of improvements we are considering at the Hazelwick and Tushmore junctions along the A2011 Crawley Avenue and seeking initial feedback. The comments we receive will help identify key constraints, issues, and opportunities that will be used to develop our designs and enable us to seek future funding opportunities.
Subject to the feedback we receive during this initial engagement period, we will carry out a further consultation in 2025, where we will present more detailed plans for the scheme.
We would like to hear your views on our proposals, so please complete the survey and provide your comments on the interactive map.
The initial engagement period will close on Tuesday 7 January 2025 at 11:55pm.
Why we need a scheme
The Hazelwick and Tushmore junctions on A2011 Crawley Avenue are important junctions for access to education, jobs and services including Manor Royal Business District and Gatwick Airport. However, the junctions experience high volumes of traffic with most journeys currently being made by private car. This results in congestion, especially during peak times, and there have been a high number of collisions, some of which have involved pedestrians and cyclists. The high levels of use cause traffic noise and poor air quality for nearby residents that has led to the designation of an Air Quality Management Area at Hazelwick.
As part of the Forge Wood development, traffic signals are planned to be introduced at the Hazelwick junction to mitigate the transport impacts of the development, and there is potential to provide additional facilities for public transport, walking and cycling as part of adding traffic signals.
Levels of bus use in Crawley are the highest in West Sussex and there is potential to grow this further. However, services experience delay and longer journey times through the Hazelwick and Tushmore junctions as a result of congestion at peak times.
Facilities for pedestrians and cyclists at the Hazelwick junction are limited and some existing facilities at the Tushmore junction are not in line with the latest design guidance.
These issues limit the attractiveness of public transport, cycling and walking which could be addressed by improvements to the junctions.
The proposals
The emerging proposals are intended to make local bus services more reliable and a more attractive transport choice, as well as make active travel a more realistic, attractive, and safe option for journeys through the junctions.
This could lead to a reduction in short-distance car journeys in the area, if more journeys are made by public transport, cycling and walking. The emerging proposals are also expected to improve the junctions for all road users by improving road safety and reducing congestion.
The proposals would provide improvements at and between the junctions of Tushmore and Hazelwick roundabouts on the A2011 Crawley Avenue.
The types of improvements that we are considering include:
- Two-way segregated cycle tracks.
- Smaller sections of shared use (i.e. for walking and cycling) path where space is limited.
- Raised tables at side roads near the junctions to reduce speeds.
- Upgraded signal-controlled crossings for pedestrians and cyclists.
- Improvements to the existing bus gate across Tushmore roundabout, and provision of additional bus lanes at both junctions to improve bus journey times.
- Improvements to both Hazelwick and Tushmore junctions that would make the junctions safer for all users and reduce congestion, including localised carriageway widening, improved signing and clearer road markings.
- Low noise road surfacing to reduce traffic noise from A2011 Crawley Avenue.
- Lower speed limits on parts of A2011 Crawley Avenue to improve road safety and reduce noise and vehicle emissions.
The proposals at Hazelwick junction are intended to complement the introduction of traffic signals that is required to mitigate the transport impacts of the Forge Wood development.
The scheme is at an early stage of development and is likely to depend on securing Government grant funding and developer contributions, so it is expected to be several years before construction could commence.
Have your say
We would like to hear your views on these proposed improvements by completing our survey (opens in new window). The engagement period is open until 11:55pm on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Your feedback is important to us and will help shape the designs moving forward. Please take this opportunity to let us know what you think, it should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey. We also invite you to provide your comments on the interactive map (opens in new window), where you can add pins to identify issues and opportunities within the area.
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