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16 to 20 Bus Saver Survey

0% answered

Data protection/privacy statement

Transport and Network Operations at West Sussex County Council will use this survey to collect some personal data (e.g. your email address), the processing of which is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller. The data will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations and any subsequent data protection legislation.

The data will be processed and analysed together by West Sussex County Council together with our consultant, WSP, for the purpose of this survey only. For further information about WSP’s data protection policy please see The analysed anonymised data may be shared with our partners WSP for the purpose of this survey only.

Personal data supplied in this survey will be held on computer for a period of up to 3 years after which it will be appropriately destroyed. West Sussex County Council is registered as a Data Controller (Reg. No. Z6413427). For further information, please see


How often do you usually travel by bus each week?

Please give your answer in trips – a trip is each single bus journey, so if you took the bus to school/college/work, or to meet friends, and then home again later, that would make 2 trips. Count up your trips for a typical week and tick one of the boxes below:

* required

Had you heard of the West Sussex 16 to 20 Bus Saver discount before taking part in this survey?  

* required
If you had not heard of the discount, please click on the link to find out more.