1-2-3 Collections Trial Survey

As part of our work with Arun District Council, we are asking Arun residents living within the 123 Collection Trial area to fill in a short survey telling us about their experiences with the trial. This will help inform future decisions made around collections in Arun.
Accessibility statement
If you require any of this information in an alternative format, then please contact us via email at recycling@arun.gov.uk or by telephone on 01903 737754 and we will do our best to assist you. If you are deaf or hard of hearing and have an NGT texting app installed on your computer, laptop or smartphone, you can contact us on 18001 01903 737754 .
We are committed to making this website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Please view the West Sussex County Council Accessibility Statement, for further details. Information about the accessibility of the Your Voice Engagement Hub can be found by clicking on the 'Accessibility tab' which can be found at the bottom of this page. Where it exists, we will provide details of any project related content which is not fully accessible under a heading of 'Non-accessible content' below.
We are always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us at haveyoursay@westsussex.gov.uk.
Survey web browser compatibility
Please use one of the browsers below when completing the survey to ensure it looks and works as it should. These are:
· Microsoft Edge version 86 and above
· Chrome version 86 and above
· Firefox version 78 and above
· Safari version 14 and above
Competition - Terms and Conditions
1. This competition/prize draw is organised by West Sussex County Council, County Hall, West Street, Chichester, PO19 1RQ. By entering the competition, entrants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Entry.
2. This competition is open to West Sussex residents within the ‘123 Collection Trial area’ of all ages; however, if under the age of 16, parental consent is required. Only one entry per person is allowed.
3. No purchase is necessary for entry. To enter, complete the survey below. All entries must be received by 23:59pm on 14 May 2022.
No entries received after this date, or entries that are incomplete or defaced, will be considered. West Sussex County Council accepts no responsibility for entries that are incorrectly completed.
4. The winners and prizes will be selected at random from all qualifying entries. The draw will take place on the closing date specified or within 28 days of the closing date.
5. Prize winners will be notified by email shortly after the closing date. Failure to claim a prize within 14 days may result in disqualification and selection of a new winner – delivery will be discussed with the prize winner once they have been notified. Only one prize will be awarded.
6. West Sussex County Council reserves the right to provide a substitute prize of equal or greater value or to not make an award at any stage.
7. The organiser’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
8. The organiser and this competition are governed by English Law.
9. The winners may be asked to take part in publicity and the organiser reserves the right to use the names and location of winners and their photographs in any publicity.
10. West Sussex County Council is not responsible for the specific terms and conditions of each prize.